Friday, June 27, 2008

Favorite Blog Post 6/27/08

I turned the central air on for the first time last night. Living in Wisconsin, we usually only need to turn it on a few times a year. It went back off this morning. I might keep track of the days and nights we run the AC this year and put something up on the right-hand column. We'll see if I can find the time!

My favorite blog post this week was from Stop the Ride!. I really enjoyed her article about things to do in North Carolina since my husband and I frequently visit our friend who moved there. We now have tons of fun ideas for our next trip!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I get to go bouldering at my favorite place in the whole world tomorrow. Yah!


Focus On Your Money Maker said...

Devil's Lake looks gorgeous. I can't wait to go camping next weekend. We are going to try and take our kids for the first time (they are 3 and 1). Lets hope we all survive.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Good luck with the little ones. I've never camped with small children before!

Stephanie Appleton said...

Glad you enjoyed the post about NC! We had a great time. I can't wait to go again!

Anonymous said...

any updates coming ?